Your Partner for Hard-to-find Diode, Thyristor, and Transistor Components
Diode, thyristor, and transistor components are all discrete semiconductor devices that perform an elementary electronic function. A diode is a two-terminal device, and a thyristor and transistor components are three-terminal devices. A transistor is a type of semiconductor used in electrical components such as AC/DC transformers, radios, electrostatic discharges (ESD), light sources, and so on. The primary difference between a thyristor and a transistor is that a thyristor can only function as a digital switch.
Need help finding the right diodes, transistors, or thyristors?
VRG Components® can source any electronic parts that are hard to find – in short supply (allocations), end of life, allocated, or have long lead times – especially diodes, transistors, and thyristors. We do this by leveraging our extensive network of carefully vetted, reliable suppliers to provide you with the right components to meet your needs.
Our goal is to supply hard-to-find, high-quality electronic components to maximize our customer’s production processes. With the ability to source components from more than 500 leading manufacturers, we can secure the diodes, transistors, and thyristors required for your project.